Solo show
Opening on Friday, 28. June 2024, 6 pm
Introduction at 7 pm. The artist will be present.

Exhibition duration until July 20, 2024, afterward by appointment.
Summer invitation in cooperation with Galerie Carolyn Heinz on Saturday,
August 17th, 3 - 7 pm.

Constanze Vogt's work encompasses drawing, object and installation, with which she continuously creates material transformations and translations between the media. She compares her artistic practice to a linear writing movement in which she draws, stretches threads, sews and punches. She uses fragile and seemingly ephemeral materials such as paper, yarn, fabric and wood.
Her drawings are precisely drawn lines of equal length, drawn with a ruler, the overlapping of which creates irregular, seemingly organic shapes reminiscent of Möbius strips, plants or knots, hinting at the underlying, time-consuming working process. The shapes and folds convey an idea of duration and circular temporality.
She translates the drawings into three-dimensional space with the monumental objects, stretching cotton yarn on wooden hoops of different sizes so that their outlines are reminiscent of abstractions of the human body. The objects become physical drawings in space, hanging from the ceiling like mobiles, moving, interacting with light and shadow and are thus constantly perceived differently by the viewer. Delicacy and monumentality meet. Although the outer shape of the hanging sculptures creates a two-dimensional pattern, the thread lines overlap optically in the room and new, unplanned patterns - flickering moiré effects - become perceptible depending on the position of the viewer.
An interaction of graphic and object-like form arises between the drawings on the walls and the sculptures in the room. This transition from linearity to three-dimensionality within the drawing process and between the media is of central importance in Vogt's works. The straight line, which does not exist in nature and is a product of culture, meets natural-looking forms that arise from the observation of plants, human bodies or textures. Supposed contradictions meet: culture and nature, rationality and emotionality, space-consuming presence and fragility.

Constanze Vogt was born in Bielefeld in 1984 and lives and works in Berlin. She studied fine art at the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts in Kiel, most recently under Prof Arnold Dreyblatt. She also completed a guest programme at the Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee.